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The Black Crow Chapter 1 | Fantasy Story

Black Crow

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A young man in shabby clothes, with a bamboo hat, carrying a sword on his left waist. Calmly walking towards the food stall. Without hesitation, he headed for a table and then drank water from the jug on the table. His thirst face was immediately cured and enough to make him fresher.

But he seemed surprised when he wanted to order food from the shop owner. The shop owner looked terrified when this wanderer looked at his face. He also questioned himself, what was wrong. Shortly thereafter, there were footsteps approaching him and telling the traveler to maintain his manners.

Without looking back, the man in the bamboo hat questioned what was wrong. The man behind him then said, "we are the rulers of this area". The black-eyed man covered in the hat smiled faintly.

Seeing him smiling, several people who were sitting suddenly stood up with angry faces. They then surrounded the young man with the hat. The thugs force the wanderer to apologize, otherwise they will hurt him.

Seeing that there would be a fight, the shopkeeper rushed into the room. Full of cold sweat, she still dared to peek at the conflict. The old woman became even more anxious when she saw the thugs pulling out their swords while laughing loudly.

A thug again reminded the young man to immediately ask for forgiveness before his soul will die. But the young man in the hat calmly replied, "never". Suddenly, the thugs got angry. Without thinking, immediately they attack the young man. But the wanderer was not without doing, he took out his sword as fast as lightning and immediately sheathed it again. In an instant the thugs froze, couldn't move, then screamed hysterically.

Meanwhile, people around who saw the commotion, including the shop owner, seemed confused by what was happening. She doesn't understand what's going on. The stall keeper's confusion stopped when the traveler said, "Bring me food, please". The old woman in her 50s then rushed into the shop to get food. With trembling steps, she served the food as she watched the thugs flee in terror into the forest.

The wanderer also assured the old woman that he was a good person, not going to hurt her. Although he still looked shaking, the shop owner smiled slightly with a relieved face. The man in the bamboo hat was finally able to fill his stomach in peace.

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  1. ceritanya mirip film kungfu cina yang terkenal itu, kalau enggak salah cerita pengeran ketiga yang jago kungfu dengan seorang penjahat kelas kakap yang jago kungfu juga, ilmunya luar bisa, hebat banget

  2. Pengelana beryopi bermata hitam, didatangin preman tapi premannya keok...ckckkckck sungguh hanya dengan sekali tatapan mata hitamnya, juga pedang yang dibuka dari sarungnya saja bisa membuat preman preman yangbmendatanginya kocar kacir

    Btw apa ya yang menyebabkan ibu warung paruh baya ini juga dag dig dug ser gitu mas intan? Maksyde gemeteran padahal pengelananya ini ceritanya orang baik kan

    1. jawabannya nanti ada di episode selanjutnya mba hehe

  3. Hebat ya, baru cuma mengeluarkan sekilas gimana tajamnya pedang milik pemuda bertopi himawan sant,*eh salah wwkkk ...., para preman udah mengkeret kocar - kacir.

    Gimana tuh kalau disabet pedang betulan ..., bisa-bisa pada rontok itu badan.

  4. Wah luar biasa, pasti pengembara itu muridnya Sinto gendeng, adik seperguruannya Wiro sableng, sekali sabet saja para preman itu langsung kabur dan keok.

    Apakah nanti para preman itu kembali membawa pimpinannya yaitu pangeran matahari.😆

  5. Pas buka, wah pasti ini horror karena aku penggemar cerita horror haha. Lanjtkan mas, saya akan terus memantau kelanjutannya. Tidak usah terburu buru agar kualitas dan rasa ingin tahu makin besar. Semangat

    Coba buat misteri pembunuhan mas haha

    1. ini bukan cerita horror mas apalagi thriller hhaha tapi makasi makasi baca episode dua nya jangan lupa

  6. Setiap kata saya telisik dengan teliti (kecuali yang berbahasa Inggris ya karena saya tidak bisa Bahasa Inggris), namun belum kutemukan jawabanya, " siapa sebenarnya pemuda itu"?

  7. penasaran sama lanjutannya, tiba tiba udah banyak part dari kelanjutan ini. Kalau ga dari awal ga ngerti nanti hehehe

    1. terima kasih mba ainun sudah mau membaca dari awal :) semoga terhibur
