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The Black Crow Chapter 3: Demon in Sword

Skull & blade

The young man finally woke up after a long sleep. He was shocked when he found himself covered in bandages and was lying in a hut.

"Finally you wake up, boy" said an old man whose hair was gray. "Who are you, where am I?" asked the young man. "You're at my house, rest," he replied.

The young man held his head trying to remember what happened before. Not long after, someone ran towards the two of them. He looked innocently at the person who just woke up, while hugging the old man who was sitting beside him.

"Cira, my grandson found you on the edge of the forest. He's worried about you," said the grandfather. "Thank you Cira," said the young man who was still holding his head. "Cira, go there to play, grandfather wants to treat this brother first," said his grandfather with a slight smile. His grandson nodded and slowly walked out of the house.

"I know you're no ordinary person. You have something to hide, so be honest. Who the hell are you." this old man spoke with serious tone and eyes. "This wound of yours is not from a sword strike or a swordsman spell," he continued, "You weren't scratched by the sword at all. Your bandages covered an unusual wound.".

"I'm just a wanderer, grandfather." the young boy replied briefly. The grandfather seemed dissatisfied with the answer, "Well, you will never get your sword again." Hearing the gray grandfather say that, the young man got up forcing himself to rise in pain, "You have no right to do it, I will forcefully take my sword if you block my way!"

"You are willing to push yourself for the sake of the sword that has hurt you. The sword eats up your spiritual energy. There is a demon in that sword trying to take over your body. But I know that you are not an ordinary person, so you have come this far." explained the grandfather.

Hearing the words of the old man, the young man was shocked that he did not expect this old man to know secret of his sword. "How do you know this? Who are you?".

"When I was young I was a swordsman. I knew several things including demonic swords, one of which is yours. Some people call it a legendary sword or an heirloom. However, a sword like yours has a dangerous demon." Cira's grandfather continued, "That sword has taken many lives. The warriors fight over the demonic sword because it has extraordinary power. So it's time for you to be honest, who exactly are you?".

Confirming that grandfather's statement, the young man has no choice. He also introduced himself, "I am Lang, the last descendant of the Black Crow clan." Yet surprisingly, hearing Lang's answer the grandfather was flabbergasted. His whole body trembled, he then stepped out of the hut leaving a question.

Lang tried to catch up, but his legs were still weak enough to move. He could not describe the face of the grandfather, sad and angry. Until the night changed, he was still thinking about that grandfather's face full of questions.

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  1. woaaah uda part 3...dan semakin seru saja ya mas intan

    ternyata pengelana ini bukan pengelana biasa dialah lang klan terakhir dari Gagak hitam

    omong omong kok....lang malah gagak ya mas intan, bukannya elang? ya terserah mas intan dong ya mbul hihi...mo namain siapa hahhaha

    keren tapi...jarang kulihat ada cerita ada inggrisnya juga, mantab pokoknya...jadi bikin aku bisa ikut latihan...

    oiya ciranya masih kecil ya?

    1. Masih Abg kinyis-kinyis gitu ceritanya si cira, kak Mbul ...

    2. Episode keempat bakal keungkap lebih jelas

  2. wih keren ini cerpennya. langsung menjurus pada permasalah, dan menimbulkan pertanyaan bagi yang membaca. Apakah sang kakek lari karena takut? atau karena hal lain? akan kah kakek selamat? wih seru, saya juga suka baca cerpen.

    1. makasi mas supri, baca episode sebelumnya ya mas dan tunggu episode selanjutnya :)

  3. Jangan-jang ...aaan, si kakek misterius itu apa sosok the crowd yang pertama, ya ?.

    Makanya dia ceoetan kabur karena ngga mau berhubungan dengan dunia kekerasan tweus milih jadi rakyat biasa yang hidup damai ..

    Ohh, why .. why am I so curious like this anymore ...., let's make a connection to the story, masbrow ..

    1. thank you mas himawan, wait for next episode ya

    2. Exactly, i'll wait.

      Ciyeeeeh .. gegayaan nihbaku ngebalas komentar pakai sok nginggris ...

    3. nah merendah terus nih, english mas himawan udah top top deh

  4. Waahh sudah yang ke 3 saja nih...Harus baca dari part pertama nih...😊😊

    Dan apakah Si kakek misterius itu mau menolong Cira.. Dan Apakah Cita nantinya akan jadi orang sakti..😊

    1. wahh melenceng nih ceritanya kalo gitu

    2. cira itu cucu si kakek kalik lang
      pendekarnya namanya lang klan terakhir gagak hitam

  5. Buka blog ini tadinya lier..eh ada translatenya... okelah lanjut ceritanya

  6. Oh sekarang baru terjawab di part 3, ternyata sang pemuda itu adalah Lang, keturunan orang hebat dan memiliki ilmu kanuragan yang mumpuni "Saya Lang, keturunan terakhir dari klan Gagak Hitam".

    Pertanyaan selanjutnya mengapa kakek itu lari (ups, semacam ketakutan), barangkali ada cerita masa lalu yang belum terjawab? ataukah ada dendam kusumat yang ditahan dengan logika sehat, "dia sedang sekarat, tak eloklah aku menyerangnya".

    Atau ada hal lain, sungguh ini seperti film koboy yang bersambung, hebat sastrawan muda, lanjutkan karyamu yang menginspirasi. Kamu tunggu jawaban di balik tanya itu, semangat....

    Terima kasih telah menghadirkan karya yang luar biasa....

    1. wkwkwk terlalu berlebihan kalo disebut sastrawan ya, saya cuma tukang ngayal doang mas, :D

    2. Hehe baiklah mas Intan saya ganti sebutannya penghayal yang berkualitas dan menginspirasi lewat kata. tetap semangat dan terus berkarya mas. Sukses selalu. Kemampuan Bahasa Inggrisnya saya salut.

    3. bahasa inggris google translate itu mas wkwkwk

    4. Tapi nyambung dan enak dibacanya mas..mantap pokoknya

    5. iya mas, sebagian saya rewrite biar pas. ga tau kalo bule yang baca wkwkwk

    6. Mas Intan, di blognya mas Himawan tu, komentar bule berjibaku, coba blogwalking di Blog bule mas...

    7. udah mas, cuma beberapa blog nya non english, saya pake handphone jadi ngga bisa auto translate makanya hanya beberapa saja yang saya jejaki

  7. nice one...

    I can visualise the situation in the story..currently watching a few martial art Chinese dramas at netflix...the grandfather has issue with Black Crow clan..want to take revenge....just my expectation...hehe..

    1. I hope the next episode doesn't disappoint you heheh

  8. Lang, baca namanya kok jadi ingat dengan nama nama pendekar dalam cerita silat China.

    Berarti Lang dari klan gagak hitam, kemungkinan episode 4 akan dijelaskan mengapa kakek cira ketakutan. Apa ada sangkut pautnya dengan pedang iblis.

  9. ternyata kakenya bukan orang biasa, pantes ia tahu semuanya, kan dia pendekar pedang

  10. woww ku penasaran nih, siapakah Lang sesungguhnya, tinggal menunggu kelanjutannya
    aku ketinggalan banyak ceritanya nih
