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Waiting, Observing, and Killing Mosquitoes

Starting from morning, I sat on the sofa in the middle of the house. Like a roast chicken I am surrounded by many immoral mosquitoes. They are ready to eat their meal in the morning. Like staying at a hotel, you have been served for breakfast.

But I'm sorry, the mosquitoes won't be easy to taste my seductive sweet skin. Because I won't just give up my skin and flesh to be bitten by a lowly insect like a mosquito.

My eyes, ears, and hands are ready for this dawn war against the invading mosquitoes. When I sat on the sofa in the middle of the house, it indicated the war drums had sounded. My eyes began to observe their movements. My ears concentrate on a sudden attack by mosquitoes. While my hands are ready to hit any mosquitoes that enter my defensive range.

This is an open strategy where you are ready to attacked and attacking. In this case, even though you managed to kill a few mosquitoes, they also managed to make you swell on your feet or hands.

When you win the war against mosquitoes, you can freely enjoy the comfort of the sofa without distraction. But if you lose, you are forced to give up that comfortable sofa and look for another place like the front of the house, mosquitoes don't like it there because it is exposed to the sun.

This natural law will not end and will continue every day. Every time you will be dealing with mosquitoes, how do you deal with them. Kills or bumps. It's also part of the job. 

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  1. Kadang saya gak tega bunuh nyamuk, makanya cukup buat dia pingsan aja 😁, caranya dengan 'menamparnya' sampai si nyamuk gak berkutik wkwkwk...

  2. Heheh hallo mas Intan, gaya mas Intan kali ini sungguh kayak pengamat bola bung Jepret di Indonesiar itu hehehe "Ini adalah strategi terbuka di mana kamu siap menyerang dan diserang". Pilihan bebas, mau aman menyerang mau damai dengan nyamuk maka sediakan obat nyamuk, obat nyamuk yang layak itu apa mas, ayo reviuew masalah obat nyamuk mas...

    1. ndak mas review kalo ga ada uangnya wkwkwk

      obat nyamuk yg mujarab ya tangan kosong aja plak plak plak xD

    2. Hehee adu mas ini paling bisa de jawabnya kwk oke mas.. semangat pasti suatu saat ada rezeki asal konsisten dan tetap semangat.

  3. cara jitu menghadapi nyamuk, ambil daun, ambil kayu dan buat asap, di jamin kabur dah nyamuknya, he-he

  4. Pakai autan aja mas biar nyamuk gak mendekat.. hehe

  5. Sejak anak bungsuku terkena viruschikungunya, aku makin sebel sama nyamuk. Kalau aku dan keluarga dideketin nyyamuk, langung kubantai habis. pake tangan lebih puas deh. Sampai berdarah2 tuh nyamuk.
