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Is it Possible that Often Bitten by Mosquitoes be Immune?


Since ancient times, the mosquito is one of the insects that causes many deaths with dangerous diseases. Starting from the famous malaria on the island of Papua, to dengue fever that spreads throughout the world.

Even though we have studied about various forms of mosquitoes that cause death, in fact we are still difficult to distinguish whether it is malaria or not. Unlike ants, which are easily distinguished, even though they are the same size, ensuring the type of mosquito sometimes creates doubts.

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Perhaps for experts and doctors, differentiating the types of mosquitoes is not a difficulty.

Are you afraid of malaria? Is dengue fever really that terrible? Of course, that is not a joke when the corona pandemic. Even so, you don't have to be afraid of mosquitoes. If you are afraid of mosquitoes, you might become a phobia. That means causing another disease.

Maybe you've heard of people who live in the interior, or a forest, of course there are lots of mosquitoes. You can imagine every day and night that person is sharing his skin to feed the mosquitoes. In your opinion, from of many mosquitoes in there, are there type of malaria or aedes aegypti?

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There may and or may not be too. If there really is, and that person is still able to live up to be like humans in general who can reach age to 60-70, isn't that a miracle. Maybe the person is lucky, or maybe he or she has become immune from being bitten by mosquitoes.

There is no intention and wish of getting this terrible disease. I myself am a person who is often bitten by mosquitoes every day and night. Could it be because my skin is sweet, like honey? Or an exaggerated census of the population of mosquitoes in my house. But the question I want to ask, am I immune to mosquitoes? Even though in fact I still feel itchy when bitten.

But for sure, I am grateful that during the invasion of this mosquito country, my body is still healthy. I hope so are you. Take care of your cleanliness and health.

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  1. Nyamuk memang menjengkelkan, selalu menyerang siapa saja dimana saja tanpa pandang kulit, ehh..

    Tapi syukurlah di rumah saya mah hampir tidak pernah ada nyamuk, saya juga heran tapi bersyukur, mungkin karena saluran air di lingkungan kami selalu bersih dan terawat, sehingga nyamuk enggan bermain di sana.

  2. Kalau aku kebetulan punya kelebihan sesuatu gan, aku memiliki pendengaran superman dan kemampun tangkap nyamuk ala master kungfu cina.

    Dgn kemampuan pendengaran ini aku bisa mendengar suara nyamuk mendekat dan dgn mudah menangkapnya hanya dgn menjepitkan jari tengah dan telunjuk (tanpa melihatnya) alias dgn insting.

    Tapi dia tau kelemahanku dan menyerangku saat mkn, saat kedua tanganku digunakan dan saat mkn pendengaranku menurun.

    Ya mgkn hampir tiap hari digigit untungnya hanya sekali, saat sholat atau mkn atau tidur.

  3. Where I live there are hardly any mosquitoes. I forget they even exist hahaha

  4. ya tetep aja gatel kalau abis digigit nyamuk, biar katanya kebal hahhah

    saya masih bingung nyamuk malaria anopeles bukan ya...beda dengan aedes aydgepty kan ya..

    kalau saya sih sebel banget kalau uda malem banyak nyamuk makanya selalu sedia obat nyamuk eletrik tinggal dicuzzz ga begitu bikin sesak napas kayak obat nyamuk bakar..suka yang wangi lavender

    1. saya juga ga tau nama ilmiahnya mbak wkwkwk

      kalo di kampung saya, anti nyamuk elektrik ga ngefek haha

  5. Kalau saya kadang suka bingung atau ini perasaan saya saja kenapa nyamuk di gedung-gedung pemerintah seperti rumah sakit atau sekolah nyamuknya lebih besar dan gigitan lebih gatel daripada nyamuk rumah atau bangunan pribadi?

    1. kalo di rumah sakit mungkin karena terkontaminasi zat kimia

  6. I am really lucky to live where there are very few mosquitoes! We do have some in the summer months, and I do get bitten sometimes. Fortunately, though, the bite just itches and turns red for a while. I have never (so far!) had any serious effects from a bite. Maybe our mostly cold climate helps with that!

    Have a great day and stay safe 🙏🙏😊

    1. nice to know that

      i want to feel cold climate too haha

  7. hati hati dengan DBD sangat berbahaya apalagi bagi anak-anak

    1. betul sekali, semoga keluarga kita dijauhkan dari DBD dan bahaya lainnya

  8. ya, mudah mudahan kita tetap sehat....
    Nice article

  9. Di sini, karena di depan dan belakang rumah masih banyak hutan, jadi nyamuknya juga banyak.
    Jadi kalo malem pake kelambu deh.
    Kalo nggak, tetap aja bentol-bentol.
    Kayaknya walau sering digigit nyamuk, nggak bikin kebal.

  10. Ndak percaya.
    Aku ndak percaya ...

    Soalnya ada satu sodara jauhku kalau setiap ksli digigit nyamuk tetep saja jadi bendol2 kulitnya.
    Kalau kebal, kan ngga mungkin yq timbul bendol2 lagi :)

  11. Saya pake Soffel setiap malam ketika hendak tidur biar ndak digigit nyamuk :D

  12. Hiiii, beda deh caranya hahahaha.
    meskipun kalau dipikir-pikir, bener juga ya, di mana penyakit lain, di vaksin dengan virus yang sama, kenapa kita nggak kebal ya ketika udah digigit nyamuk ? :D

    Anyway, mau kebal atau enggak, nyamuk adalah musuh terbesar saya hahaha

  13. Ada vape sekali semprot, bebas nyamuk semalaman.. Hahah #iklan.
    Saya nggk suka nyamuk. Tapi kalau digigit dan bentol. itu bentolannya bakal langsung dimarking tanda X pke kuku.. Pasti Mas Intan dan teman-teman blogger lainnya juga begitu.... heheheh

    1. kalo saya malah pernah lebih parah, ga kerasa udah lecet haha

  14. Sepertinya memang ada orang2 yg lebih disukai nyamuk *toss dulu kita*

    Saya sampai pernah kena DBD 3x 😭 semoga jgn pernah kena malaria deh.

  15. Nyamuk. saat bertugas di Papua saya kena malaria tersiana gara - gara nyamuk. Nyamuk Papua ngeri dan sangat berbahaya, semoga semuanya baik - baik saja...

    1. wah bersyukur sekali Pak Guru sekarang baik-baik saja ya

  16. hahaha interesting. ngarepnya sih bisa punya antibodi ya, apa daya sampai hari ini masih digigit dan masih gatal tuh wkwkwwk
