How are you, my fellow readers, are you still able to survive the heat of this world? I'm sure you can, even though Google says today's weather is 35°C but it feels like 40°C. Amazing, isn't it?
Yes. It seems that almost all of Indonesia is experiencing quite hot temperatures. Exceeding the previous hot weather. A phenomenon that I find quite concerning.
Read: Rain and Melting Ice
Oh yeah, hopefully your water pumps are still okay. Don't forget to not run out of water, because it's dangerous. Ice drink lovers, please condition it.
Reflecting on the anomaly that we are currently experiencing. I am reminded of the Natural Science subject about climate in school. Of course you also remember when the teacher said that "Indonesia has two seasons, namely the rainy season and the dry season".
Actually, the statement is not wrong, it's just that right now I think the sentence is very irrelevant. 10 years ago, maybe that theory could be used where the rain fell very regularly, easily predicted, even parents who are expert gardeners don't need to look at the date to determine when it will rain.
Read also: Anxious in the Rain
But now, everything is irrelevant, no longer applies.
Now, today it rains tomorrow is not necessarily. Today is cloudy but not necessarily rain. A hot morning does not guarantee that the afternoon will be hot too. Every time has a surprise that is very difficult to predict. Even a class like Google and BMKG were found to be fooled by the current natural phenomenon.
Circumstances that force us to continue to evolve into better human beings. Keep thinking positively, maybe this is one of God's ways for us to continue to develop.
Mungkin kah ini akibat pemanasan global kang, sehingga cuaca jadi kacau? Harusnya masih musim kemarau tapi masih panas.🤔
ReplyDeletesepertinya memang pemanasan global mas agus
DeleteSepertinya dulu ada tombol translitenya
ReplyDeletekemana itu tombol?
Masih ada kok, coba refresh mas ntar nongol
Deletetombol translate nya memang sudah saya hapus berhubung browser sekarang udah mendukung otomatis terjemahan, kalopun tidak otomatis bisa dengan cara klik kanan atau kalo di android bisa pencet menu setting nanti ada fitur terjemahannya.
DeleteTapi kemarin tanggal 4 November masih ada.🤔
Deleteya masih ada itu
DeleteBetul banget sudah tidak relevan lagi, hari ini di tempat saya kerja mendung dari pagi sampai saya pulang, hujan gerimis pun tak turun.
ReplyDeleteya begitulah kondisi Indonesia sekarang
DeleteNgeri efek dari perubahan iklim. Dan masih ada aja Orang2 yg ga peduli Ama lingkungan 😔. Buang sampah, nyisain makanan, pakai plastik msh sering, etc. semuanya berimbas ke iklim yang semakin ga menentu. Belum lagi orang2 yg mengeksploitasi SDA seenak perutnya 😔.
ReplyDeletenamanya juga manusia mbak