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Music Can Make You Heartburn


Jrenggg... the sound of a guitar could be heard beside the house. Someone with a dull face came out from across the street. "Woy, you are noisy," he said full of angry, which indicated that he was very uncomfortable with the sound of the guitar being plucked by a frizzy blond man.

It's the fault of Kribo himself who plays guitar in the early hours of the morning. Where people are still in dreaming. Where people still gather the remnants of their spirits that wander in the illusory world. Where people are still contemplating whether today should wake up or die again.

Read: Drama on Bus Trip

But yes, the gentlemen who came out carrying bat reprimanded the impromptu musician not because their sleep was disturbed. Not because they have a personal grudge with the frizzy. Not because they think music is haram. But yes but, because this person has strange symptoms when listening to music in the morning.

Long event enough, even though not as long as during the debate on the television show. This bickering between two people who don't know each other makes the neighbors wake up too and watch this boring morning drama. And they were astonished when they found out that the reason the man carrying the bat was angry was because every time he heard music in the morning, his stomach would spontaneously get heartburn. So forced have to defecate, he said.

Read also: Insomnia Becomes My Long Nights

Residents who heard immediately boisterous and said "huuuhhhh" with various expressions on their faces. There are those who are irritated because they are disappointed that it turns out that the problem is trivial but crowded. There are those with flat faces who hold their stomach like what happened to the guy who was angry. There were also those who had smiling faces, feeling that their feelings were being represented by that guy who carried the bat.

Maybe you've also felt the same way, where music can make your stomach upset.

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  1. For along time finished can be talk-talk here again, i think your go where, happy jreng2 a guitar, god job 🤣

  2. mendengarkan musik pengamen saat adzan maghrib, itu yang bikin gimana hehe
    tapi saya tak marah seh
    paling hanya berguman

    1. maklumin aja , dia lagi cari rezeki. mudah mudahan ke depannya ga diulang

  3. heartburn tuh bukanya sesak nafas ya...kok gambarnya orang mules mas intan? Kalau aku sih dengerin musik pake headset aja soale biar tenang aja suasananya

  4. Disini juga sering ada orang mengamen , tapi siang hari Kami tak pernah marah dan jangan sampai marah bahaya , intinya kami menikmati lagunya setelah itu ngasih uang beres.

  5. Sebaliknya musik selalu nenangin jiwa sih buatku 😄. Even pengamen yg dtang aja kadang sengaja aku agak lamain, biar dia nyanyinya juga lama, Krn suka dengernya. Baru KSH uang.

    Tapi memang kalo mainnya ga inget waktu, pagu2 gitu, kelewatan aja 🤣🤣. Liat waktu lah. Kasian juga kalo ada yg denger musik langsung bikin heartburn Yaa 😅
